Hearers and Heralds of the Gospel: A Scriptural Pattern for the New Evangelization
Benjamin Akers, STD, STL
The prophet Amos tells of a famine on the land during which people will hunger and thirst for hearing the Word of God (cf. Amos 8:11). Is the time in which we live experiencing a similar drought? How do we effectively share the goods news of Jesus Christ with the people of our time? This workshop will reflect on the on the model revealed in scripture and highlighted by the recent magisterial documents of the Church.
Dr. Ben Akers is the Executive Director of FORMED.org, a streaming platform providing trustworthy and inspiring Catholic video, audio, and eBook content from the Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, and more than 100 other partners, helping parishes, families, and individuals explore their faith anywhere. He is also an Associate Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute Graduate School in Denver, Colorado. He previously served as Director of the Denver Catholic Biblical School and Catechetical School in the Archdiocese of Denver helping grow it into the largest and most comprehensive diocesan Bible study program in the United States.